Sparks Ignite!
I know no other music to be found in the earth, richer and/or truer, than that coming down from the throne of heaven. The songs of the "LORD of all things"!
I began receiving those songs back in 1979, after the Lord spoke to me that He would begin to gift me, and to use that gifting for ministry. Along with this, and being a part of a calling, He spoke Isaiah 60: 1,2 - Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
A flowering, on into a flowing of songs, began streaming in immediately after He revealed the calling and emphasized the gross darkness coming on the earth in soon coming days. He said that the songs would be used to prepare people for the Second Coming of His Son - Jesus. What a mandate! He has been absolutely faithful and true to His word in all that He said at that time! I now see the "gross darkness" and I see over three hundred songs written, testifying of the hour in which we live, as well as our need for a Mighty Deliverer!
I have come to learn over the years that the gifting which the Lord placed in me is one of a strong prophetic nature. Many of the messages given years ago are just now being fulfilled and before my very eyes! Other words spoken by Him, in those early days, manifested immediately.
I began receiving those songs back in 1979, after the Lord spoke to me that He would begin to gift me, and to use that gifting for ministry. Along with this, and being a part of a calling, He spoke Isaiah 60: 1,2 - Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
A flowering, on into a flowing of songs, began streaming in immediately after He revealed the calling and emphasized the gross darkness coming on the earth in soon coming days. He said that the songs would be used to prepare people for the Second Coming of His Son - Jesus. What a mandate! He has been absolutely faithful and true to His word in all that He said at that time! I now see the "gross darkness" and I see over three hundred songs written, testifying of the hour in which we live, as well as our need for a Mighty Deliverer!
I have come to learn over the years that the gifting which the Lord placed in me is one of a strong prophetic nature. Many of the messages given years ago are just now being fulfilled and before my very eyes! Other words spoken by Him, in those early days, manifested immediately.
There has always been a "healing, saving, delivering" virtue, penetrating and imparting fruit into people's lives, upon the hearing of the music given. All of these aspects of the ministry given me, came as a complete surprise, early on! This facet of the ministry, for some reason, He didn't tell me of beforehand. I have been awed by His presence and His ministry always accompanying the songs sung!
There is no other voice like His! When He sings ... everything stands perfectly still ... while He moves!
Izzy singing still?
Is He singing still?
Oh, yes! Most definitely yes!
I've been hearing songs from Him for thirty years, as of 2009. It doesn't seem possible! Sometimes it gets quiet as far as hearing new songs from Him. About that time I begin to ask Him, "LORD, are there more songs?" His answer, even most recently in a brand new way in the night hours is, "Yes." And then He sings again. I can hardly wait to be in that place where these things proceed from. Someday!
We hope, very soon, to be sharing some of those songs with you - on this particular site. I am very excited about that. I have prophetic songs that really need to be "out there" - speaking into people's lives - allowing them to know where we are exactly, and what is happening in the realm of the Kingdom of God in the earth.
So stay tuned for more!
I've been hearing songs from Him for thirty years, as of 2009. It doesn't seem possible! Sometimes it gets quiet as far as hearing new songs from Him. About that time I begin to ask Him, "LORD, are there more songs?" His answer, even most recently in a brand new way in the night hours is, "Yes." And then He sings again. I can hardly wait to be in that place where these things proceed from. Someday!
We hope, very soon, to be sharing some of those songs with you - on this particular site. I am very excited about that. I have prophetic songs that really need to be "out there" - speaking into people's lives - allowing them to know where we are exactly, and what is happening in the realm of the Kingdom of God in the earth.
So stay tuned for more!
Framework for the 'Song':
I never sing just for the 'sake of singing' alone. I only sing to worship Him and to fulfill His call upon my life. I have never seen, or operated within the context of the music given, in any way other than that of 'ministry'. Would that constitute a 'minstrel'? I'd never given that any thought, until just now.
Let's see what the dictionary has to say:
Minstrel: A professional entertainer; spec., one of a class of medieval musicians who sang or recited to the accompaniment of instruments; hence, any musician, singer, or poet; also, one of a troupe of comedians, usually white men made up as negros, presenting negro songs, jokes, etc.
Okay. NO! NO! NO! To every part of that practice - NO!
I'm glad we looked at that because it explains exactly, my standards for what I do - just in a perfectly reverse way. These are precisely the things that I have adamantly run away from in the usage of the music! I don't go for the 'entertainer' part! I have always insisted (even with those who have worked with me) that 'performance' be barred from me. I definitely could never dishonor anyone, or any race, in what I do. As a matter of fact, I pretty much 'detest' the entirety of that word above, in relationship to what I'm about! I am the complete opposite of the word 'minstrel'. Anyone who has known me, would tell you it's true. I'm tough to work with because I'm extremely stringent with that format.
No 'minstrel' here!
So what am I?
All I really know, is, that I follow Him. I strive always to allow Him to be who He is both through me and through the music that He gives. The music ministers to me as I receive it but I truly believe it to be something that He imparts to me, to give to others, that they might benefit from it as He intended. For me, it is something born out of my obedience, to Him. He asks me to yield myself, my time, my thoughts and my talents, that He might perform in me that which He then requires me (out of further obedience) to give to others. It's as simple as that. What He gives, is pure! Therefore, it does all of the good that it does, when it goes forth. It is not of me but of Him!
Let's see what the dictionary has to say:
Minstrel: A professional entertainer; spec., one of a class of medieval musicians who sang or recited to the accompaniment of instruments; hence, any musician, singer, or poet; also, one of a troupe of comedians, usually white men made up as negros, presenting negro songs, jokes, etc.
Okay. NO! NO! NO! To every part of that practice - NO!
I'm glad we looked at that because it explains exactly, my standards for what I do - just in a perfectly reverse way. These are precisely the things that I have adamantly run away from in the usage of the music! I don't go for the 'entertainer' part! I have always insisted (even with those who have worked with me) that 'performance' be barred from me. I definitely could never dishonor anyone, or any race, in what I do. As a matter of fact, I pretty much 'detest' the entirety of that word above, in relationship to what I'm about! I am the complete opposite of the word 'minstrel'. Anyone who has known me, would tell you it's true. I'm tough to work with because I'm extremely stringent with that format.
No 'minstrel' here!
So what am I?
All I really know, is, that I follow Him. I strive always to allow Him to be who He is both through me and through the music that He gives. The music ministers to me as I receive it but I truly believe it to be something that He imparts to me, to give to others, that they might benefit from it as He intended. For me, it is something born out of my obedience, to Him. He asks me to yield myself, my time, my thoughts and my talents, that He might perform in me that which He then requires me (out of further obedience) to give to others. It's as simple as that. What He gives, is pure! Therefore, it does all of the good that it does, when it goes forth. It is not of me but of Him!
The Stage Is Set.
In the natural, I have a sincere appreciation for music. Our entire family grew up surrounded by musicians. Were they great and accomplished? In my eyes they were. Aunt Judy played the piano, Aunt Marilyn the flute, Aunt Nancy the clarinet and my father, the trumpet. It was always a 'singing around the piano' at my grandparents' home. Duos on the keyboards, voices of joy, laughter and deep emotions, were customary. I remember my precious grandmother, always standing close by, filling the role of coach at practice times. Because of this environment, my parents started my piano lessons at age six and with very little money in our home, somehow managed to gift me very early on with a brand new Upright. I was humbled, even at that age, to be the honorary recipient of such a sacrifice.
My father had the potential to master his gift and to travel down who knows what road, but chose rather, to do the necessary at hand duty by becoming a very hard working breadwinner, which is a high role (roll) in and of itself! Being moved along by the Lords' music in my own life, I'm often saddened by the fact that my Dad was robbed of opportunity to pursue his trumpet beyond the various school bands, the dance band, etc.. At one time he passed up a scholarship to Texas A & M. I know without doubt that his heart aches over those missed opportunities, today.
I now have in my own keeping, his most treasured earthly possession, apart from his family - his first horn. Oh, what a precious piece, next to unspeakable! My fathers' passion for the Lord and for music, have had an enormous impact and influence on my life. There are times when I realize that those memories keep me moving forward, when everything seems to be screaming at me, ‘Stop’!
I, like my father, lost some years and some ‘doors’ due to the more practical pull of taking care of family. My children would be worth any and all sacrifice. I do believe though, that we shortchange our lives by not walking through those ‘windows’ with children in hand. I somehow believe that it surely could work out, and perhaps in a far better way than we dared allow ourselves to imagine!
Today is today. Thank God for today, and for every day that we have to live life to the fullest, whatever constitutes ‘life’ for each of us. My life now is, and for the most-part always has been, a passion to make known the reality of a Heavenly Father, to those who are in the earth. He is real! I experience Him every single day in my life and I’m saddened to think that there are those who don’t because they don’t know – in the same way that there was a time in my life when I didn’t know. But, I’ll tell you, once I found out… Well, I haven’t been able to sit still since! I want to find someone to tell about it! (Hey, I just happen to have a song about that.)
My way of ‘telling’ may be different than others. I hope so! I am an individual, in Him. There are certain things in a Christian’s life that should identify them as all being the same and it's those things that are of a concern in this day. I believe that the Lord has called and equipped me with a style my own, defined by Him, with which to hopefully share His Good News to anyone who might have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say; in particular, for this day in which we are living. An invitation to come and banquet with Him! (Ahh, yet another song! I actually have a treasure chest full of them. Thirty years worth to be exact.)
Maybe we could open the chest and begin to hear…together. I call these: Songs of the Knight! Maybe they will say something, about Him, to you. That is my prayer and my reason for singing them. Just to share Him and who He’s been to me, through the years - at that banqueting table where deep calls unto deep. There is no other place like it – no other place! Come and go with me there, if you’ve never been. And if you have, come and go with me anyway; that fellowship of common knowledge and experience should be the richest!
I hear the ‘lid’ creaking, even now!
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
My father had the potential to master his gift and to travel down who knows what road, but chose rather, to do the necessary at hand duty by becoming a very hard working breadwinner, which is a high role (roll) in and of itself! Being moved along by the Lords' music in my own life, I'm often saddened by the fact that my Dad was robbed of opportunity to pursue his trumpet beyond the various school bands, the dance band, etc.. At one time he passed up a scholarship to Texas A & M. I know without doubt that his heart aches over those missed opportunities, today.
I now have in my own keeping, his most treasured earthly possession, apart from his family - his first horn. Oh, what a precious piece, next to unspeakable! My fathers' passion for the Lord and for music, have had an enormous impact and influence on my life. There are times when I realize that those memories keep me moving forward, when everything seems to be screaming at me, ‘Stop’!
I, like my father, lost some years and some ‘doors’ due to the more practical pull of taking care of family. My children would be worth any and all sacrifice. I do believe though, that we shortchange our lives by not walking through those ‘windows’ with children in hand. I somehow believe that it surely could work out, and perhaps in a far better way than we dared allow ourselves to imagine!
Today is today. Thank God for today, and for every day that we have to live life to the fullest, whatever constitutes ‘life’ for each of us. My life now is, and for the most-part always has been, a passion to make known the reality of a Heavenly Father, to those who are in the earth. He is real! I experience Him every single day in my life and I’m saddened to think that there are those who don’t because they don’t know – in the same way that there was a time in my life when I didn’t know. But, I’ll tell you, once I found out… Well, I haven’t been able to sit still since! I want to find someone to tell about it! (Hey, I just happen to have a song about that.)
My way of ‘telling’ may be different than others. I hope so! I am an individual, in Him. There are certain things in a Christian’s life that should identify them as all being the same and it's those things that are of a concern in this day. I believe that the Lord has called and equipped me with a style my own, defined by Him, with which to hopefully share His Good News to anyone who might have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say; in particular, for this day in which we are living. An invitation to come and banquet with Him! (Ahh, yet another song! I actually have a treasure chest full of them. Thirty years worth to be exact.)
Maybe we could open the chest and begin to hear…together. I call these: Songs of the Knight! Maybe they will say something, about Him, to you. That is my prayer and my reason for singing them. Just to share Him and who He’s been to me, through the years - at that banqueting table where deep calls unto deep. There is no other place like it – no other place! Come and go with me there, if you’ve never been. And if you have, come and go with me anyway; that fellowship of common knowledge and experience should be the richest!
I hear the ‘lid’ creaking, even now!
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken